2024.5.13. Philip Jefferson 주요 발언


Fed’s Jefferson calls for holding rates steady until inflation cools further

Federal Reserve vice chair Philip Jefferson on Monday became the latest central bank official to call for holding interest rates at current levels until inflation shows more signs of cooling.


Sometimes active Fed speaking can create, and not reduce uncertainty.  There is always a risk that Fed comments on the outlook are viewed as a fixed projection.  There's a risk of confusion when officials speak but disagree.  Clear communication contributes to effective policy.
- 연준의 적극적인 발언이 때론 불확실성을 가중할 수도 있고, 연준의 의견을 고정된 전망으로 간주하는 위험성도 있으니 김칫국 마시지 말자는 이야기.

The economy has made a lot of progress, but inflation has retreated.  The labor market has been very resilient.  Inflation has come down substantially from its peaks.  The decline in inflation has attenuated.  It is appropriate that we maintain the policy rate in restrictive territory.  It's important to look for more evidence that inflation is abating.  It is appropriate to keep the policy rate restrictive until clear inflation is ebbing.
- 노동시장은 탄력적이고 인플레이션이 상당 수준 낮아지긴 했다면 아직까지 충분하지는 않으니 인플레이션이 더욱 완화되고 있다는 더 많은 증거를 찾는 것이 중요.  따라서 현재 제한된 범위 내에서 금리를 제한적으로 유지하는 것이 적당하다는 기존 연준의 입장 되풀이.

풀 버전은 다음 링크를 통해 확인

Speech by Vice Chair Jefferson on communicating about monetary policy

Introduction Thank you, Ed, for the kind introduction and for the opportunity to speak. 1 You and the organizers of this conference have put together a
